Let me. introduce you to Mrs. Poppie (Lorentia) Harmses.
Poppie is the housekeeper at the DEGNOS center, but she also completed her training as a minister/pastor.
Poppie leads a worship service at her house every Sunday as well as prayer meetings three times a week.
Poppie and Martie Smit will hold regular women’s Bible studies at the DEGNOS Center from next Saturday onwards.Rev. Leviet Kxao from the //Goaguru Village studying his Bible during a training session at the Degnos centre in GrootfonteinStudents at Mangetti Duin studying Firm FoundationsLuhebu North CongregationElders at the Mangetti Duin church house. From left to right: Bertina, Benji, Antonio, Isaac, Andries, Costa and LukasLuhebu North Congregation