Good morning dear friends of DEGNOS
The *NG Kerk Wildevy* covers a ministry area of about *20,000 Km2 or two million hectares* and is located in the areas of Grootfontein, Tsumeb and Otavi. The congregation is served by 3 pastors and about 20 Elders and deacons. The members are predominantly *Hai//om* San people. The estimated number of members is about 600 people, but large portions cannot be served and cared for at all at present. The Hai//om population in Namibia is estimated to be around 12,000 people.
*Celebration of God’s work*
Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of gathering together with my precious brothers and sisters from the NG Church Wildevy. We held a church council meeting, but actually it was more of an opportunity to celebrate the work the Lord has done in Wildevy over the last year.
*Don’t Let the Light Go Out*
We thought together again of the words of our brother Atrabé Tsam who reminded us that *50 years ago* the Lord let the Light rise for the *Hai//om* people and who so nicely asked that we do not let the Light go out. Grandpa Atrabé has since passed away, and we can report that the Light still shines brightly this year and that the light has been carried further.
*All peoples and languages*
The Wildevy congregation mainly serves the Hai//om San people, but we heard the wonderful news yesterday that the ministry has expanded and now also includes people of all nations and languages. One of the sisters from the Mururani ward, near Henta, tells that at first they struggled with interpreters for Rukwangali and English, but that the Lord provided them with interpreters and that they now also serve other people with the Word.
*Keyboard Prophets*
Rev. Poppie tells about the work at Berg Aukas, and Kombat and the farms and how the people are afraid to come and listen at first, because all the *Keyboard prophets* scared the people. Elder Klaase tells that these prophets come and pretend they are God’s prophets but in fact they only come to steal money and women.
*Stolen corpses for Muti*
We hear about the bodies of children being stolen from the Tsintsabis cemetery so that body parts can be sold for muti, and what great grief this causes for the next of kin. We talk together about the impact of witchcraft and how it is now showing its head strongly again among the people. Even at Bravo, now that old Johannes has grown old, there are now great witch doctors that the people go to consult.
*Farmers welcome us*
We hear from farmers who welcome our spiritual workers on the farms because our people don’t come and make noise and don’t drive the people crazy.
*Hunger for the Word and Shebeen problems*
Rev. Josef tells about working at NDC Mangetti together with the URC and about Farm 6, Khubeb, Makalani, Boabab and many more. We hear about the hunger that the people have for the Word.
Brothers Andries Khubeb, Jonas, Aaron and Gustav tell about the work on Khom//aus and Oerwoud and everywhere the lights shines brightly. Brother Andries is only upset about the Sjebiens and the drunken people. Brother Addie says that they just have to pray the shebeen away – he says they had the same problem and they prayed for seven years – now the shebeen is silent.
Rev. Poppie talks about her frustration: “The people are hungry” she says in her clear voice. “We bring the Word and the people are fed, but we never know when we will get there again” she says.
Poppie says, “Next time we come there maybe in a year or two and then the flames will have died down and we will only get a little hot ash”
We are all unanimous that we can take the Evangelization work and care work much further if we can only get transport for Wildevy. Transportation and the costs involved just don’t make it feasible at the moment. We currently have no donors to help with the transport.
*The Hai//om people are on their way with the Lord! Praise the Lord!*
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