Those of you who have received our regular messages in the past will remember when we launched the campaign we called “Omega for Christ”.

On 20 Feb. 2021 shared this short video to everyone who received our news at that time.

You will remember that we asked for intercession and for support for Muyatwa Smith and for his Missionary Work on Omega.

At the time of making this Video things were going bad on Omega. The Light was not visible. At this time I visited Omega and there was such darkness that hung over the place, we counted 40+ “Shebiens” in the place and drunk people were everywhere.

The situation was hopeless. In May 2022, I visited the Settlement on Omega again with Rev. Josef Kapinga and we met there with some of the residents. It is noticeable that not one Shebeen was open and that there are no drunken people visible on the street. The place just feels different. The Light broke through. The Lord used one man, Smithy, who decided to carry the Word out. He does this by teaching the people about Firm Foundations.

He does this without any financial help, in extremely difficult circumstances. The only support he receives is prayers from faithful prayer warriors.

Over the weekend I receive a message from Smith in which he tells me that for the past few months every Sunday a service has been held at Omega. I am attaching one of his photos, which he forwarded.

This morning I am moved as I write this – The Lord is faithful, The Lord has not forgotten his people in Omega.

In the words of Ds. Josef Kapinga.

*We should not talk too much about what we should do. Just get up and walk, because we walk in the hands of the Lord.*

Please do not stop praying for the believers in the West Caprivi. Pray specifically for Smith Muyatwa, Josef Kapinga, Kwada Kambati (James), Renate Dixon, JP Mafuta, Johannes Tokkelosh, Colinky Black, Mahinga Kambara, Bertie Barego, Elias, and Thadeus Chadau

DEGNOS Greetings



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