An update on our work today in the field around Tsumkwe.
We started in the morning with good hope that today we would be able to visit 9 habitats to look for spiritual leaders for training, but time caught us and we could only get to 7 habitats.
But the Lord blessed every moment and we truly experienced the Lord’s grace in this beautiful world. Early in the morning, we were surprised with an African Wild dog, Elephants, and Kudus on our way. And right away I knew this was going to be a special day.

Herd of about 20 Elephants next to the Nhoma #1 Village.

If we look for God’s hand then we see Him all around us.

I was accompanied by the three pastors of the Tsumkwe congregation. Pastor Gerrie Cwi, Pastor Leviet Kxao, and Pastor N!aci Komtsa. We traveled around 240 kilometers for the day

It was the same with our search for the people that God had already set up as leaders for his Body in every habitat. Early morning we became aware of the reality of 1 Cor. 12 and we could encourage the leaders with Romans 10:14-15.
Attached are the 8 leaders identified today who will most likely be part of our next phase of training.
Please pray for them for confirmation of their calling and for preparation to shepherd the sheep in each habitat.


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